Parables for a Pandemic - The Babies


I was terrified and you gave me peace of mind

There was a family with two twin babies.  These babies had been born prematurely and were in fragile health.

While these babies were small and fragile, a pandemic broke out.  If the babies were to contract the disease it was likely they would not survive.  The mother could not continue to work because the babies’ daycare closed down due to the pandemic.   The father was a clerk at a pharmacy and picked up extra shifts at his job to try to make ends meet. 

At the father’s job, the employer did not require the store staff, nor the customers to wear masks.  Every day people who were well and people who were sick came into the pharmacy.  Some with masks and some without. 

The father wore a mask and a face shield each day, but lived in fear of bringing the disease home to his babies.  He washed his hands diligently throughout the day and took off his clothes and his mask each day when he came home before he touched his wife or his babies. 

The County Judge issued a law requiring businesses to post signs requiring customers to wear masks.  Fines were issued for businesses that did not comply and for citizens that did not comply.

The judge caught the disease and died. 

In heaven, Jesus said to him, “Well done good and faithful servant, for I was terrified of bringing that disease home to my two vulnerable infants, and you tried to protect me and gave me peace of mind”

The judge asked, “Lord, how could you have been terrified of the disease, and how could you have two vulnerable infant children?   I don’t know what you’re talking about!” 

 “He replied, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me.’

The Anti-Christ Gospel - The Salt of the Earth

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no longer good for anything

 “You are the salt of the earth.” …This does not mean you should enhance all the lovely and varied flavors of the earth and preserve what is nourishing in life.  This means you should combat evil and sin.  After all, if a person sins, how can they made pure again?  Forgiveness you say? Grace? Nonsense! They are no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

Parables for a Pandemic - Two Miles

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Go two

His followers came to Jesus and complained, “Lord, the corrupt government has hatched an evil conspiracy plot that will impoverish us all and take away our freedoms.  They have commanded us to close our businesses and wear masks in public places.“

Jesus replied, “If they force you to wear a mask in public places, go not only that “one mile” that they ask, but go over and above what they ask and “go two”.   Give to those who ask, and do not resist an evil person.”

The Anti-Christ Gospel - The Beatitudes


Pursue happiness.

Now the Anti- Christ saw the crowds and all the social media followers and got on the internet to speak to them saying:  

“Don’t let anyone make you feel poor in spirit or hopeless,  the kingdom of heaven is only found by the strong and hopeful.   

Don’t mourn or let anyone make you sad.  Grief and mourning are for the unspiritual.  Pursue happiness!!  Search out gurus who will teach you how to be happy.  

Don’t let anyone tell you what to do.  Meekness is a mistake.  Speak up and be forceful, it will take power to change the earth  

Those who are hungry are hungry because they haven’t worked hard enough.  You are full because you made all the right choices.  It’s a sign of god’s blessing that you are prosperous.

Don’t allow sin in the world.  Find it and call it out.  Cut yourself off from sinners and be sure to speak the truth publicly about their sin. 

Don’t worry about purity of heart.  If you or your leaders are corrupt, that’s OK, it is God’s work to keep America strong and powerful. 

Don’t be fooled.  Peace is not practical.  It is OK to wage war against the enemies of god. 

Don’t allow anyone to persecute you.  Stand up for yourself! Fight back!

Don’t let anyone insult you, persecute you or falsely say any kind of evil against you because of me.  If some so-called prophet comes along and speaks truth to injustice and corruption in society, be sure to speak evil of them and post a lot of insulting things on social media.”

Mercy not Sacrifice - again


No matter how good a thing is, it can always be better

Why do we sacrifice?

Usually it’s to get something that we consider will fill the void and make us who we want to be.

·       We sacrifice our time to get money so that we can be secure financially

·       We sacrifice our money to buy possessions so that we can be housed, fed, clothed and maybe even show off just a little.

·       We sacrifice our time so that we can be good parents, good lovers, good friends, good moral people.

·       In religion, we sacrifice in order to be good Christians, good Jews, good Muslims, good Hindus, whatever.  We sacrifice to please god or the gods.  We sacrifice to go to heaven. 

We often think that the other guy has what we lack.  The money, the relationship, the spirituality.  We want a house like his house, we want a body like her body, we want a wife like his wife, kids like her kids.  We want to be spiritual and zen like she is.  We want to powerful like he is.  We want to be intelligent and informed like she is. 

In ancient religious rituals, the idea of sacrifice was very literal and embodied.  They took an actual goat or a sheep or even a person.  The “sins” of the people (all the ways that the people fell short, all the ways they didn’t measure up, all that they lacked) were placed upon this sacrifice and when it was gone, the lack was gone. 


This is why it’s called a “scapegoat”.  It takes the blame for everything.  So long as it can be the problem and we can get rid of it, we don’t have to actually face the lack inside ourselves and our societies.  We can absolve ourselves of it, rid ourselves of it. 

For a bit.

Until it’s time for another sacrifice. 

The scapegoat is alive and well today. Not only can we direct our feelings of lack onto another person, like the president for example; but onto whole categories of persons. If only those liberals, conservatives, whites, blacks, women, men, christians, jews, muslims, immigrants, millenials, democrats, republicans, would just CHANGE! THEN we’d have the society that we want to have!! THEY are the problem!

So we make the sacrifices to get what we want. The house, the car, the relationship, the president in office, the amendment to the constitution. And when we sacrifice and get the thing we were hoping to get by making the sacrifice, we are left with two outcomes:

1)      The realization that there is only more to be acquired, so further sacrifice is needed


2)      The realization that the sacrifice was complete and there is no more to be gotten.

We almost never get to #2.  In fact, #2 is intolerable for most.   If we ever reach it, we have to face the lack that we feel with nothing left to do about it.   

  • We have climbed to the top financially only to find that we still feel insecure.

  • We have the spouse, the kids, the house, the car, and we still feel inadequate or lonely.

  • We lose the weight and still don’t like our body.

  • We do the good deeds and still don’t feel like good people.

  • We give the sacrifices for god and still feel separated from god.

  • We won the legal/political battle and the world is still a shit show

And if we have truly given all there is to give, we are left sitting with our lack with nowhere to go.

Most of us, at this point create another thing to strive after.  Another thing to obtain or attain in order to satisfy this lack.  After all, who has ever truly given ALL there is to give?   In capitalism it is ever increasing wealth with no stopping place.  In Christianity, it is spiritual perfection – becoming “like god”.  With our bodies, it is continued dieting, exercise, enhancement, surgeries. 

No matter how good a thing is, it can always be better

There is a parable told by a philosopher:

There is a man looking for a treasure in a field.  He keeps turning over rocks in that field in the hopes of finding the treasure but never finds it.  Rather than let go of the notion that there is a treasure, the man will find a rock so large that it cannot be turned over, just so he can maintain his idea that the treasure exists. 

But Grace.

Grace is a concept that confronts this cycle we get ourselves into.

Grace says that NOTHING more is needed. 

Grace says no sacrifice is needed.


Grace says – there’s no special thing to be obtained that will make it all OK.

Grace says your neighbor doesn’t have the special thing either.

Grace says there’s no scapegoat to blame for not having it because there’s nothing to be had.

And then…  only then….  When we’ve admitted that the “other” does not have the secret, special thing… can we love the other. 

As long as I believe that there is more that is needed and that you have more of the special thing than I have:  more zen, more money, more love, more peace, more knowledge, more power. I cannot love you. Not really. As long as I believe that you are the reason why I can’t get what I want, personally, politically, societally, I can’t love you. Not really. As long as I am in a position of sacrificing to know the secret that you seem to have and I don’t. I can’t love you. Not really.   

First grace

Then love.

“I desire mercy (grace) not sacrifice.  Go and learn what this means”   Jesus. 

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Parables for a Pandemic - the Neighbor


What do you think? Which one of these three was a neighbor to the man?

“Teacher, what must I do to gain eternal life?”

Jesus replied, “What is written in the Bible? How do you interpret it?”

 “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.”[a]

Jesus said to him, “You have answered correctly. Do this and you will live.”

 “And who is my neighbor?”

Jesus replied, “There was a pandemic in a faraway land. A poor man with a lung condition did not have the privilege of working from home.  He worked at WalMart and had to continue to do so to feed his family.      It just so happened that a Christian came to the store without a mask on, and approached the man to ask where in the store to find the dog toys and treats.  The poor employee directed the man to the place. 

Next a priest came to the store without a mask. He approached the man to ask where the office supplies could be found.  The poor employee directed the man to the place and the priest coughed a little and went on his way.

Finally, an atheist came to the store wearing a mask.   He asked the poor employee where to find drill bits.  The poor employee directed the man to the place and the atheist went on his way.

What do you think? Which one of these three was a neighbor to the man with the lung condition?”

 “Go and do likewise.”

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Doing nothing


Sometimes rest is more work than busy-ness

Sometimes it’s harder to just do nothing.

Sometimes just holding space inside yourself, for others, in relationships and waiting for things to drop into those spaces is harder than filling the space.

Sometimes sllence is harder than speaking.

Sometimes rest is more work than busy-ness

Sometimes a void is more frightening than a full space.

Sometimes solitude is harder than a crowd.

Sometimes openness is harder than closed-ness.

Sometimes vulnerability takes more strength than toughness.

Sometimes unknowing is scarier than knowing.

Sometimes doubt is more sacred than certainty.

Sometimes it’s harder to just do nothing.

Creating through separation


Every change is a separation from what was there previously.

I read recently this blog post.

The thoughts in this post arose from that blog post - read it. It’s good.

I’ve always been told that God created what is from nothing.  The fancy theological term is “creation ex nihilo”. I loved the way the blog post talked about another way of seeing creation.

Let’s set up the idea a little. 

First of all, most people who assent to some idea of a god, would agree that god (whatever god is) is infinite. 

And most would agree that infinite is that with no limits or end.  And for something to be truly infinite, in the absolute sense, it is infinite in all directions and in all dimensions. 

For something to be infinite, it cannot be contained by anything. 

So, if god is infinite, than rather than being contained by anything, god is the “thing” that contains all things.   (I use “thing” for lack of any word that can describe the infinite)

Thus we cannot think of god as being “in heaven” because in order for a god to be contained in a place called heaven, heaven would have to contain god and if god is infinite nothing can contain god.  This is one way we know that when the Bible talks about heaven, it is not being literal, but is being metaphorical, or rather – metaphysical. 

It is this kind of infiniteness that in fact defines god.  Due to god’s infiniteness, there is nothing which is not god.  God is the sum total of everything. 

The Bible speaks of this when it says that “god is over all and through all and in all. “

And not only is god in and through everything but is also in and through every possible non-thing you can imagine. And every possible thing and non-thing you CAN’T imagine.  And… every NON possible thing and non-thing.    It is all in god and god is in all of it.  There is no separation.   

Even nothingness is not a boundary that contains god.  If it were, god would not be infinite. 

So…  back to creation.  

The idea of creation being a process whereby something is brought into being from nothing suggests that the something and the nothing are separate entities.  Our logic tells us this must be so. However, if god is both the something and the nothing they are NOT separate entities, but in fact - one. So in order to even speak of “something” as a different thing from “nothing” a division must occur.

Therefore, creation is not so much a bringing something out of nothing process, but rather an act of separation.    

Creation and the incarnation of something new happens when the boundless infinite creates boundaries.  Separations between things that exist from things that do not exist, thus creating existence as a separate entity.  God was in all of it- or rather WAS all of it -  before god separated existence from non-existence. 

So, if god was both existence and non-existence and god separated them from each other in order to create, then god doesn’t just create a separation between two things, but actually creates a separation within god’s self in order to create. 

Think about this for a minute.  What does that mean about separation?  I was always taught that separation from god was a bad thing and should be avoided at all costs.  And yet, if god is infinite — god had to have created a separation within god’s self in order to create. 

So, how can separation be a bad thing?

If separation creates?

If it were not for separation, there would be no life, no diversity, no conflict certainly, but also no change and growth.  I myself have grown and changed tremendously through separations.  Separation from old ideas, old behavior patterns, old relationships and relationship patterns.  

Every change is a separation from what was there previously.

And we see this ultimately in the crucifixion event when god is again, separated from god’s self and cries out, “my god, my god, why have you forsaken me?”

And a new thing is created. 

Behold I make all things new. 

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I can't breathe

“..the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until the present time.”

When a thing is born, breathing is essential.

In the birth of a child, the midwife instructs the laboring woman when to breathe, how to breathe, pant, don’t forget to breathe

Immediately after the birth of a child, we hold our breath, waiting for that first breath, that first cry

In meditation, often, the focus is on the breath to learn presence and birth consciousness

Something is being birthed in the world right now and the whole world seems to be crying out. From George Floyd, to COVID-19 victims, to mask wearers, to the very creation itself as climate change destroys the environment, the cry is, “I can’t breathe!”

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I can’t breathe

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I can’t breathe

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I can’t breathe

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I can’t breathe

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I can’t breathe

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I can’t breathe

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I'm Tired


Tired of the shit show

I’m tired. 

Aren’t you tired? 

Tired of the shit show in politics that we’ve been watching for god knows how long?

Aren’t you tired?

Tired of everything being a fight, a contest, an exercise in us vs. them?

Aren’t you tired?

Tired of Black people being killed?  And women being raped? And refugees being put in camps?  And innocent folks being locked up and killed by the justice system?

Aren’t you tired?

Tired of being used as a pawn in someone else’s quest for power and control?

Aren’t you tired?

Tired of being told who your enemy is, when in fact, you need not even have one?

Aren’t you tired?

Tired of worrying about whether or not you will have security in your retirement or healthcare tomorrow?  Tired of wondering if our financial system is about to collapse?

Aren’t you tired?

Tired of working, and working and working while the rich get richer and the poor get poorer?

Aren’t you just tired?

I am.