What will I be?

The following is taken from Ram Dass with the pronouns changed:

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At some point you learn to have less certainty about what the future holds, of who you’ll be when you grow up, or how it will all come out.

Fifty years old

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Because, when I look at my life now, there is nothing - 25 years ago, 30 years ago …. everything I thought about who I was and how it would come out has no similarity at all to the way it is.

Three years old

The who I am now hardly recognizes the who that was … who I am now feels great compassion for who she was then.

Seventeen years old

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I doubt if we’d be much of friends. We would have very little business with one another. She would be very judging of me, which would be very poignant.

Me as a young mother 22 years old

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So, I have learned, since i have gone through many transformations of who I know myself to be and how it is, that I must assume that those will continue. There is no reason to assume they won’t, although they may not. Because I can’t know that.

Thirty years old

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So, I’m not planning to continue to be who I am forever. It will keep changing.

Forty years old

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