Covenants and Desire

It is desire for the reality of the present moment.

Part 3


“Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart”

There are two kinds of desire.

Old covenant desire that says we don’t have something we want.  We LACK something.  We NEED something.   If we are living in this space spiritually, our relationship with God becomes about gratification of unmet desires.  We think that God will give us whatever we desire. God becomes Santa Claus.

And new covenant desire is desire for what is.  It is desire for the reality of the present moment.  It is the desire of the “I am”.   It does not say we will get everything we desire.  It says nothing more is needed.  All is well in this present moment.  New covenant desire does not say everything we desire is right here, right now but rather our desire is to BE right HERE, right NOW.  

This is the place where we drop the restriction and stop trying to change things.  We exist in grace and allow ourselves to be present with what is.  As-is.   This is where we discover that our desires are OK and God's desires are not to punish because there is nothing to punish after all.  Nothing to change.  

The right here, right now is where God is.  It's the only place we can delight in the Lord.  

In our culture we seldom SIT with desire.  We deny it, we suppress it, we mask it by indulging in some kind of immediate gratification.     

SIT with desire. 

I want…

I won’t take…..

I lack ……

It’s OK.

This is where God is.  In the place of your desires.  In your  present moment reality.  In what is.  In your want, your lack, your emptiness.  In your “I am”.

This is the new covenant. 

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