
If I get all that I desire – what is left to live for?

If I get the thing I desire – I will just desire a new thing.

If I get all that I desire – what is left to live for?

We think that getting the object of our desires is what will make us happy, but we are mistaken.  It is the desire itself that is the stuff of life. 

Imagine if there were nothing else you wanted.  No new tastes, no new experiences, nothing to look forward to.   This is how depression feels.  There is nothing you want – you don’t want to eat, you don’t want sex, you don’t look forward to anything at all.  You have no reason to get out of bed.  No desires. 

Next time you don’t have the thing you want – the relationship, the object, the experience, the achievement know this….

The longing for it is what makes life worth living.