

Julian of Norwich quote.JPG

Oneness is when you can embrace it all and reject none of it.

A lot of people I talk to are exploring meditation and mindfulness. 

Many say they move away from dualistic thinking and into a sense of oneness as they practice some form of meditation.    

But sometimes, I also hear talk about this journey into oneness as a journey into a place where all is love, light and bliss. 

Let’s be clear.  As soon as we think this, we have moved back into dualism. 

All is NOT love, light and bliss.  There is darkness, pain and suffering.  

Oneness is when you can feel that it is all one.  Love and pain.  Light and darkness.  Bliss and suffering.

Oneness is when you can embrace it all and reject none of it.

Julian of Norwich is one of my favorite mystics. The quote pictured “the fullness of joy is to behold god in everything” is not as simple, nor as religious as it might seem. It’s one thing to behold “god” in a beautiful sunset, a flower, a puppy or a newborn baby. It’s simple to attribute the joy and beauty of life to a god. It’s quite another to behold god in death, suffering and decay.

I don’t pretend to know what god is or to even have a reasonable definition of god. But I can’t help but believe that god IS in everything. In fact , god IS everything. God is simply what IS. The “I-am-ness” of life.

And if that’s the case, then, in fact god is in everything. And we need resist nothing.

It is all one.  It all belongs.   

All is well and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well – Julian of Norwich

All manner of thing. 


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