
The best self care list ever


Did you eat a vegetable?

I have found that over the years, I’ve learned more from my kids than probably any other thing in life. They are smart, creative, deep-thinkers, and funny!

My oldest daughter has always been wise. Her name even means “Small wise one”. (She’s small too!)

Recently, she was going through a super stressful time at work. Her anxiety was kicking her butt. She wrote this self-care list and shared it with me. I think it’s one of the purest, best self-care lists of all time (plus I’m featured in it, so that’s a bonus !)

I thought I’d share it here - enjoy:

Have you stretched?

Did you eat a vegetable?

Do you have water?

Did you sit in the sun?

Have you taken 5 deep breaths?

Have you looked forward to the light at the end of the tunnel?

Have you called your mom?

Have you called your brother?

Have you asked for help?

Have you let your partner know your emotional and logistical wants?

Have you admitted your emotional needs to the people around you/are you standing up for yourself?

Did you take a nap?

Have you taken a bath/done a face mask/cared for your body in a comforting way?

Have you read?

Have you cared for someone else?

Have you checked in with your whole self and asked what you need?

If you’ve done all of it and it doesn’t work - refer back to calling your mom.

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The body is our most reliable prophet

I can’t believe it’s been over two months since I posted anything! I intended to take a break for the holidays and it turned into something more.

My son fell ill over the holidays and sitting with him in the ER over New Years Eve, I gave him a little talk about how the body is our most reliable prophet. It will tell us to rest when our minds tell us that hard work is the answer. It will say “no” when we can’t bring our mouths to say it. It will tell us to sit when we have been standing too long or to stand when we’ve been chained to our desk. It will tell us to quit eating or drinking, or to eat or drink more.

If we listen.

Most of us have told our bodies to shut up. Most of us plug our ears and turn away.

The body may scream even louder




The talk I gave my son was as much for me as for him. It’s easy for me to drive myself. Work, produce, work even more. The opportunities are always there. Career, taking care of my parents, taking care of my kids, home improvement projects, self improvement projects. Blogging.

So, for a change, I listened to my body and rested instead of writing.

Now I’m back.