this is my body


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All things are created and held together through you.  The earth, the sky, the sea.  All things living and non-living are incarnations of your love.  Embodiments of your spirit.  Material containers of your energy which holds them together.  Without you, nothing would exist.

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The universe is not only your incarnation, it is also your revelation.  Love is revealed in green pastures and peaceful waters and blue skies.

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The green field is your body.  I lie down with it and am comforted

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The peaceful waters are your body.  I drink and am kept alive. 


The sky is your body.  The heavens declare your glory. 

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The sea is your body and every creature in it. I swim in its depths

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Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it.   Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy. Let the rocks cry out.


Even if I walk in the dark, I have no fear.  The dark is not darkness to you.  Darkness and light are the same to you.  I am comforted by this kind of grace. Even the darkness and the depths of the earth are your body.  I am held in the darkness.

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Since the creation, since the incarnation of the world, your invisible qualities, your eternal power and sacred nature have been clearly seen and understood from what has been made.  It is your incarnation, your body, your revelation.  It is held together in you, by you and through you.   Everything I need to know about who you are can be discovered and re-discovered through your creation

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Your incarnated world reveals abundance, wild creativity, life, death and endless and infinite change. 


Hold me in your body and reveal yourself to me.

We are all soul mates

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you are taking in the very incarnation of god

Each and every one of us are soul mates. We are all one body whether we want to acknowledge it or not. We always were. We are all tied to one another as the human organism.

And even more, tied to the entire creation as one body.  Interdependent.  Dependent on each other for our very lives.  Dependent on the water, the air, the plants and the animals. Inseperable.

We are all soul mates. 

Not only does everything we do in this life affect the body of everything else, but our interactions with one another each and every day, regardless of how casual or intimate affect one another's souls.

As you take in the body of an animal, a carrot, a river, you are taking in the very incarnation of god. You are taking the one body of which you are a part into your own body. And in doing it, you are simultaneously destroying life and creating life all at the same time.  What could be more intimate and soul-mate-ish than that?

“Take and eat – this is my body, given for you.”

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