The Christ

All things hold together - Paraphrase

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The Christ consciousness resurrects us and shows us that life is created from death

The Christ consciousness was paramount in the beginning and is the creative force. All things are created by this consciousness. All things hold together with this consciousness. All the fullness of creation rests in this consciousness. and is reconciled into oneness through it. The Christ consciousness resurrects us and shows us that life is created from death. All the broken and dislocated pieces of the universe - people and things, animals and atoms - get properly fitted together in peace and vibrant harmonies. Colossians 1:15-20

(Paraphrase is a combination of “The Message” and my own paraphrase)

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After a few days… Christ was hidden again

I love mystics. I just got back from Richard Rohr’s conference in Albuquerque on the “Universal Christ” . He opens his book with a vision that the mystic Caryll Houselander had in which she suddenly saw Christ in everyone.

I looked up Caryll Houselander and read that this was not her only vision, but that the gist of all her visions was the same - Christ in everyone. As a young girl, she had her first vision in a convent. One day, she entered a room and saw a  Bavarian nun sitting by herself, weeping and polishing shoes ( I wonder how she knew the nun was Bavarian?). This was during a time when there was much anti-German prejudice. As she stared, she saw the nun's head being pressed down by a crown of thorns and she interpreted this as Christ's suffering in the woman.

Later, in July 1918, Houselander was sent by her mother on an errand. On her way to the street vendor, she looked up and saw what she later described as a huge Russian-style icon spread across the sky. The icon was of Christ crucified, lifted up and looking down, brooding over the world. Shortly after, she read in a newspaper an article about the assassination of Russian Tsar Nicholas II. She said the face she saw in the newspaper photograph was the face in her vision of the crucified Christ.

And then, her third vision (the one Richard Rohr wrote about) occurred when she was on a busy underground train:

“I was in an underground train, a crowded train in which all sorts of people jostled together, sitting and strap-hanging - workers of every description going home at the end of the day. Quite suddenly I saw in my mind, but as vividly as a wonderful picture. Christ in them all. But I saw more than that; not only was Christ in every one of them, living in them, dying in them, rejoicing in them, sorrowing in them, but because He was i them, and because they were here, the whole world was here too, here in the underground train; not only the world as it was at that moment, not only all the people in all the countries of the world, but all those people who had lived in the past, and all those yet to come.

I came out into the street and walked for a long time in the crowds. It was the same here, on every side, in every passer-by, everywhere - Christ.

I had long been haunted by the Russian Conception of the humiliated Christ, the lame Christ limping through Russia, begging His bread; the Christ who, all through the ages, might return to the earth and come even to sinners to win their compassion by His need. Now, in the flash of a second, I knew that this dream is a fact; not a dream, not the fantasy or legend of a devout people, not the prerogative of the Russians, but Christ in man….

I saw too the reverence that everyone must have for a sinner; instead of condoning his sin, which is in reality his utmost sorrow, one must comfort Christ who is suffering in him. And this reverence must be paid even to those sinners whose souls seem to be dead, because it is Christ, who is the life of the soul, who is dead in them; they are His tombs, and Christ in the tomb is potentially the risen Christ….

Christ is everywhere; in Him every kind of life has a meaning and has an influence of every other kind of life. It is not the foolish sinner like myself, running about the world with reprobates and feeling magnanimous, who comes closest to them and brings them healing; it is the contemplative in her cell who has never set eyes on them, bu tin whom Christ fasts and prays for them - or it may be a charwoman in whom Christ makes Himself and servant again, or a king whose crown of gold hides a crown of thorns. Realization of our oneness in Christ is the only cure for human loneliness. For me, too, it is the only ultimate meaning of life, the only thing that gives meaning and purpose to every life.

After a few days the “vision” faded. People looked the same again, there was no longer the same shock of insight for me each time I was face to face with another human being, Christ was hidden again; indeed, through the year to come I would have to seek for Him, and usually I would find Him in others - and still more in myself - only through a deliberate and blind act of faith”

The three mystical experiences she claimed to have experienced convinced her that Christ is to be found in all people, even those whom the world shunned because they did not conform to certain standards of piety. She would write that if people looked for Christ in only the "saints," they would not find him. She is described as having smoked, drank, and had a sharp tongue.

At the conference, I was speaking to a man about the stories in the New Testament that describe people’s encounters with Christ after the resurrection. Mary thinks Jesus is the gardener. The disciples on the road to Emmaeus don’t recognize him. Haven’t you always wondered about that? How could they not have recognized him? I mean, if someone I loved died and came back and appeared to me, I would recognize them! I have often dismissed this part of the story - or more accurately ignored it because it was baffling - and thought, “well, maybe his resurrected body looked super different.” Even though I knew this was a lame explanation.

But what IF:

It WAS the gardener.

It WAS another dude on the road to Emmaeus.

And it WAS Christ in those people. Just like Caryll Houselander’s vision?

“Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight.” Luke 24:31

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May it be unto me as you have said

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We are the third incarnation of the Christ.

My life has been filled with chaos of various kinds.  This is a great irony to me, since all I ever wanted was peace.   As a child, I just liked to be left alone so I could stay in my room and read a book.  As a teen, I played it safe.  I made choices that were calculated to avoid regret.  As an adult, I’ve taken few risks.  I like things quiet, calm, predictable.  But instead, chaos has surrounded me – over and over. 

Many times I have raged against this.  I’ve asked the proverbial “WHY?!?”  Over the years, I have spent countless moments screaming in my head (and sometimes out loud) to whomever would listen, “I’ve made choices in my life that were supposed to result in peace, WHY, WHY, WHY so much chaos!!!!?????”  I have found it hard to just accept what comes my way.   I don’t surrender well. 

I fight.  I fix.  I push through.  I don’t surrender. 

And so, my life has been visited and re-visited with chaos… I can learn surrender. 

Sometimes when I’m stuck in a pattern of behavior or thinking, I adopt a mantra - just something I recite to myself to re-direct my thought pattern.  Several years ago, I was particularly stuck in anger over the chaos.  Life just wasn’t going according to my agenda and I couldn’t find peace and acceptance.   So, I chose a mantra.  I chose the words that Mary the mother of Jesus said when the angel told her she was going to be impregnated by God, “I am the Lord’s servant, may it be unto me as you have said.” 

I mean, think about it.  You’re this 13 or 14 year old just minding your own business waiting to marry your betrothed Joseph and an angel appears to you and tells you, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.  So the holy one to be born will be called, the Son of God.”  


This is going to put a serious kink in your plans.  People will gossip about you.  Joseph might not even marry you if he finds out your pregnant.  You didn’t ask for this kind of chaos, and your response is, “OK, do whatever you want, I’m your servant” ?     This seemed like a pretty extreme story about surrender, so I adopted the mantra.  That year, every time I felt rage, or bitterness rising up, I would simply say, “I am the Lord’s servant, may it be unto me as you have said.”  It was a powerful move in the journey of accepting what occurs in life and just taking it in without judgement or anger. 

It calmed me. 

Today, I was thinking back on the story that Mantra came from and it came to me in a whole different way. 

Mary was being asked to open up her body and allow the Christ to be incarnated in her, and she surrendered to it.  I reflected on how my life story is about me being penetrated by life circumstances and being opened up so that the Christ can be incarnated in me as well. 

Incarnating the Christ spirit inside my own body. 

So that my body becomes the very body of the Christ spirit in this world. 

The Bible tells us three ways the Christ spirit was incarnated (isn't it fun that it's three?):

First: in creation “Through him all things were made ……In him was life.”   Think about it, the creation is the first expression of the Christ.  The Christ spirit is in every part of creation.  If that doesn’t make you an environmentalist, nothing will.    

Second: through the life of Jesus.  This is the one we are taught about in church.  We are taught the story like the birth and life of Jesus was the only incarnation of the Christ.  But it wasn’t. 

Third: through us.  We are the third incarnation of the Christ.  His body here on earth.  And in order to actually be that, we have to surrender and open ourselves up to be penetrated by the spirit of love and to become the container, the womb and the birther of the same creative, loving, healing force that we see in the first incarnation, and the second….

“I am the Lord’s servant, may it be unto me as you have said.”

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