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Parables for a Pandemic - The Babies

There was a family with two twin babies.  These babies had been born prematurely and were in fragile health.

While these babies were small and fragile, a pandemic broke out.  If the babies were to contract the disease it was likely they would not survive.  The mother could not continue to work because the babies’ daycare closed down due to the pandemic.   The father was a clerk at a pharmacy and picked up extra shifts at his job to try to make ends meet. 

At the father’s job, the employer did not require the store staff, nor the customers to wear masks.  Every day people who were well and people who were sick came into the pharmacy.  Some with masks and some without. 

The father wore a mask and a face shield each day, but lived in fear of bringing the disease home to his babies.  He washed his hands diligently throughout the day and took off his clothes and his mask each day when he came home before he touched his wife or his babies. 

The County Judge issued a law requiring businesses to post signs requiring customers to wear masks.  Fines were issued for businesses that did not comply and for citizens that did not comply.

The judge caught the disease and died. 

In heaven, Jesus said to him, “Well done good and faithful servant, for I was terrified of bringing that disease home to my two vulnerable infants, and you tried to protect me and gave me peace of mind”

The judge asked, “Lord, how could you have been terrified of the disease, and how could you have two vulnerable infant children?   I don’t know what you’re talking about!” 

 “He replied, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me.’