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Parables for a Pandemic - The Politician

This parable is adapted from a facebook post by Shannon Thomas.

A Politican came to Jesus and asked him,  “Teacher, there are some who disrespect our flag and country by kneeling during the anthem.   Shouldn’t they show respect to the country? “

Jesus replied to the man and said, “I never told you to salute a flag or sing an anthem.  Never. There are many things I told you to do- like love your enemies, pray for them, and turn the other cheek, and repent and seek forgiveness too. But I never told you to salute a flag.”

The man replied, “Then teacher, how can we honor our country and promote patriotism?”

Jesus said, “ When did I tell you to honor your country and be patriotic? I told you to love the people, especially the poor. I didn’t instruct anyone to honor their country. I told you to love your neighbor.”

The man argued, “But our country is a beacon of freedom to the world!”

Jesus replied, “I told you the way to freedom is through truth. I said that if you continue in my word,  you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”

The man could not accept this teaching and asked, “What truth are you talking about?”

Jesus said, “ I desire mercy not sacrifice, go and learn what that means.”

The man became angry, “Mercy will get us nowhere. It takes sacrifice to bring freedom to the world.   What about our weapons and armories?  What about our brave soldiers who have sacrificed for freedom past and present?”

Jesus replied, “When did I tell you to build bombs and arm soldiers and wage war in order to be free? I never told you that. I said just the opposite. I told you to love your neighbor and your enemy and to pursue mercy not sacrifice...none of that included flags or armies and soldiers and killing. None of it.”

The man was incredulous, “None?”

Jesus said, “None of it.”

The man went away sad because this was a very impractical political policy. 

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