Simplicity - The Freedom of Letting Go by Richard Rohr


"When Mother Theresa came to America, she called us one the most unfree peoples in the world.  We Americans are paralyzed by all our possibilities.  We consider ourselves a tremendous nation because we can choose from a gigantic menu of consumer articles.  Even Christians are ready to believe this sort of nonsense.  When they do, they avoid traveling through the depths of the wilderness.  Again, our enemy isn't pain, but the fear of pain.  Jesus came to teach the way of wisdom.  He brought us a message that offers to liberate us from both the lies or the world and the lies that are lodged within ourselves.  The words of the Gospel create an alternative consciousness, solid ground on which we can really stand, free from every social order and from every mythology"  pp 74-75


 ----The hypocrisy is that even while reading it I am coveting an overpriced coffee table from West Elm.