Where can I find her?

From the beginning, she was bone of our bones,

We were flesh of her flesh.

She pulsed in our veins.

Her eyes looked into our souls.

She was a word of wisdom and a peaceful silence that cradled our questions in her hands ….and told us our truth. 

She was the keeper of our secrets and our stories.

She was cool, silk hands on our foreheads, that brushed the hair from our eyes. 

She was the rock beneath our feet and the soft landing place for our hearts.

She was a resting place and a pillow for our heads.

She was home.

Where will we find her now that she is gone?

We will find her in a sigh, in a soft breeze, a blue sky.

We will find her in the warmth of the kitten, and in the soft head of every dog.   

She sparkles in every painted nail and will join in on every joke.

She will be there for every grand adventure, and every hand of cards.

We will find her in the morning fragrance on a spring day, and the song that will rock us to sleep at night.

She will be in every cool soft hand.

We will hear her in every note when a piano is played.

We will see her on every stage and in every song.

The songs!!  K-K-K-Katie will always be waiting at the K-K-K-Kitchen door, no one will dump their junk in my backyard, and lots of chocolate for me to eat will always be loverly.

She will be in every red rose, every orange shirt in the stadium, in purple and in every snickers bar, and every bite of an oatmeal cookie.

She will be in every double rainbow in the sky and the wind that comes sweeping down the plain.

She is in my brown eye and the blue vein on the back of my hand.  

She is in the voice of my brother, and the paintbrush of the other.

She is in the songs my sister sings.

She sparkles from the eyes of one daughter, and the smiles of the others. She rings in the laugh of our sons.

And when we rock  our grandchildren and sing them to sleep, she will be there.

She is bone of our bones, flesh of our flesh.

We hid within her, and she will hide within us all.