"I'm working on my own life story. I don't mean I'm putting it together; no, I'm taking it apart."  -Margaret Atwood  The Tent (2006)

Hi there. I’m Heather.

I’m here to write about things I’m thinking about, things I’m experiencing, things I’m reading and creating.

A little about me:

I live on a small hobby farm outside of Fort Worth, Texas with my husband. Together we have five adult children who never cease to amaze us with their honesty, intelligence, bravery and creativity.  We take care of miniature cattle, chickens, bees, a donkey, and two dogs.  One of our dogs is Bert (Bert Reynolds). Bert is a Bassett mix and is afraid of his own shadow. The other is a Great Pyrenees mix named Bonnie. Bonnie is a non-stop barker and shedder. I interact a lot with fur. Brushing, sweeping, vacuuming, lint-rollering. We collect it and put it out for the birds. They line their nests with it.

I'm a lover of ideas,  a believer in God (whatever God may be), and a non believer in every description of god there is. A doubter of just about everything everyone says about God, an obsessive analyzer, a voracious reader, a gardener, and someone who likes to write and who loves food way too much.  I’m infinitely curious and love to learn. I used to think it was important to get it right in life , but I've pretty much thrown that out. Life is just an adventure, an experiment and an exercise in unknowing. 

I’m a certified spiritual director and have been trained in hypnotherapy. My spiritual journey has brought me to a place of many questions and few answers.

To keep the lights on, I work in ophthalmic medical device research. I have an undergraduate degree in psychology, a master's degree in quantitative biology a Masters of Ministry in Theology and Culture with an emphasis on Peace Theology.

Here are some labels that can be given to me, but I kinda hate labels. What do they mean?

Pronouns: She/her/hers

INTJ,   5w4 sx on the Enneagram: The iconoclast  īˈkänəˌklast/

noun 1.1.    a person who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions.

synonyms:critic, skeptic; 1.2.     a destroyer of images used in religious worship, in particular.

"I desire mercy, not sacrifice.  Go learn what this means."    -Jesus